WFC 2018 Programming Suggestions
Please let us know if you have a suggestion for a World Fantasy Convention 2018 Programming item. While we cannot promise we will be able to use it, we do appreciate your ideas! The themes this year are Ports in a Storm and Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of Frankenstein.
An example of a program ideas are:
- Sanctuaries. Defining sanctuary in its many forms from a church to a travelers rest and exploring why protagonists go to them and why they leave and they may be used to heighten or lesson tension in a narrative.
- The Literary Legacy of Mary Shelley. 200 years after the publication of "The Modern Prometheus" the underlying uncertainty related to science remain. A discussion of the continuing affect of Shelley on modern fiction.
- Mining Fairy Tales. Fairy tales have provided inspiration for countless authors: Sarah Beth Durst, Diane Wynne Jones, Holly Black, and L. Sprague de Camp. A discussion of what are the best resources and how their inspiration can lead to very different works.